EGOpro EASY Programmer




EGOpro EASY Programmer APP lets you configure and manage AME devices: EGOpro Safe MOVE EASY and EGOpro Safe MOVE COMPACT | Proximity Warning & Alert SystemsThe APP allows, through a bluetooth connection, to communicate with the devices on the vehicle in order to configure and historicize the logs.AME has developed a new range of Warning Proximity and Alert systems to find the best solution for the safety needs of its clients and minimise the risk of accidents between forklift trucks and pedestrians. Thanks to its internal R&D team and twenty years of experience in Safety, AME is the only solution provider that can offer a wide range of vehicle/pedestrian collision avoidance solutions, suitable for every type of machine and with two different core technologies: RFID and UWB.The features of the Proximity Warning and Alert System are definitely unique and distinctive of a product that guarantees INNOVATION, EXCELLENCE and RELIABILITY, allowing to bring safety standards to the highest levels and minimizing accident risk.